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Daybreak Canadian Payroll/Human Resources System | Table of Contents |
This module allows the user to define a Division (aka: Company, business unit) and WCB Rates of.
A separate record should be created for each division within a database. A division can typically be defined as having it's own Business number (unless it has a Reduced EI rate see below). You may have multiple Divisions within a database or you may elect to create separate databases for each Division.
If you have multiple Divisions within one database then system users can be restricted to which Divisions they can access via the 'System Users Maintenance' application.
Division number: unique number to identify the division. Tip: Use your company's number as defined in your General Ledger.
Alpha Code: For cross-referencing to other applications that use Alpha codes.
Name/Address: used by various reports ie; ROE's, T4's.
Business # EI Group 1 - Normal: This is the company's normal Business number as provided by Revenue Canada for reporting normal (non-reduced) Employment Insurance, CPP and Taxes.
Business # EI Group 2 Reduced: if the company is on a Reduced Employment Insurance rate then enter the Business number as provided by Revenue Canada.
Pension Plan Number: Pension Plan's registration number provided by your Pension Plan carrier (used for T4 purposes).
Charity Registration Number: as provided by your charitable organization (used for T4 purposes).
The system is designed to track 4 separate years namely:
Payroll Year: This year is used to determine which Year-To-Date payroll records are to be used at various points in the system.
For instance: when a pay record is created the Statutory amounts (EI/CPP/TAX) are added to the employee's Year-to-date Payroll record. The employee's year-to-date payroll record is found by using the Payroll Year of the the employee's division.
Vacation PAY Year Start/End Dates: common vacation pay start and cut-off dates. Companies that accrue vacation pay and payout on a yearly basis may use a year that does not coincide with the payroll or calendar year. The system uses these dates to track Vacation PAY information.
For instance: when a pay record is created the Vacation earnings are added to the employee's Year-to-date Vacation Pay record. The employee's year-to-date Vacation Pay record is found by using the Year of the Vacation Pay Start Date in the division record that the employee is in. For more information on Vacation Pay refer to the 'Vacation PAY Related' section in the table of contents.
Vacation DAYS Year Start/End Dates: these dates are used to define the Vacation DAYS year (ie; calender year Jan 1-Dec 31, or union contract year June-June, etc.). When time transactions are saved via the time entry programs the system looks at the pay codes to determine if they are flagged as 'Vacation Days Taken'. If they are, then the employee's Vacation Days Taken field in his master record is updated. See also: Employee Maintenance, Vacation Days Report, Vacation Days Reset
Floater Year Start/End Dates: for companies that allow for Floater Days (paid day off) to be taken these dates are used to define the year that they are to be tracked in. When time transactions are saved via the time entry programs the system looks at the pay codes to determine if they are flagged as 'Floater Hours Taken'. If they are, then the employee's Floater Hours Taken field in his master record is updated. See also: Employee Maintenance, Floater Days Reset, Time Entry section in the table of contents.
Clicking on the 'WCB Rates' tab will display the following screens.
Screen image showing WCB Rates by Division
Screen image showing WCB Rates by Department
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