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The Booked Off report prints the booked off days with numerous options. You can select to sort by department or seniority date. You can choose to list booked vacation days only or show all vacation days taken in detail. Other options allow for reporting on employees who have booked more or less vacation days than are eligible for.



Division - number to identify the division to be selected.

Division Vacation Year - start and end dates are listed, system generated and pulled from the Division's master record.

Count Booked Days Left As Of - enter date.

Report Options - you can select different sorting options such as by Seniority, Department, Company, Employee name, etc.

Department - if information is needed for a specific department, this number is to be entered. This feature also allows for multiple departments to be chosen, by using the 'tag' function.

EE Status - A(ctive), O(n Leave), T(erminated), R(etired with Benefits).

Employee Number - if information is needed for a specific employee, the employee number should be entered.

Total Booked Vacation/Eligible Days - can produce a report listing those employees who have booked more or less vacation days than what they are eligible for.

List Booked Vacation Days Only/Vacation Days Detail - can produce a report showing only vacation days as opposed to other types of booked time off such as LOA, Personal Time Off, etc.


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